Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pepper-Spray Cop Works His Way Through Art History

Lt. John Pike, the U.C. Davis campus police officer who pepper-sprayed passive student protesters, is popping up in some of the world’s most famous paintings as part of an Internet meme intended to shame him for his actions.
On Friday, Pike casually pepper-sprayed protesters in a video that quickly went viral. “The apparent absence of empathy from the police officer, applying a toxic chemical to humans as if they were garden pests, is shocking,” The Post’s Phil Kennicott wrote.
Over the weekend, Pike’s visage popped up in Photoshopped into other scenes of languid passivity, such as Edouard Manet’s “Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe” (The Luncheon on the Grass) pictured above.
Archibald Willard’s “The Spirit of ‘76” has a new addition.
The images are a cheeky way of fighting back against what students say was an unwarranted use of forceful policing tactics. The university has defended Pike’s actions, though he and two other police officers have been suspended pending an investigation.
View the entire article
More at the Pepper Spraying Cop Tumblr.

Friday, November 18, 2011

There is no Triumph without Struggle, no Struggle without Sacrifice

Students from Vila Mayo, UHS and The Center for Visual Arts and Freedom of Music schools painted a bridge that connects the University with the town of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico. The activity was part of the Rio Piedras Thursday commemoration for the month of November.

17 de Noviembre de 2011
Estudiantes de las escuelas Vila Mayo, UHS, Central de Artes Visuales y Libre de Música pintan puente que enlaza la Universidad con el Casco Urbano de Río Piedras. La actividad formó parte de la jornada del Jueves de Río Piedras del mes de Noviembre.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lugi & Mama Marjas - Soul Combination

This reminds me of last summer and fun in the Salento sun!

Uploaded by on Jun 21, 2011
Label: Audioplate Records
Prod. : Lugisoul
Rec. Mix. Master. @ Studio 61 Bologna by Audioplate C.E.O.
Regia: Andrea Menniti, Donato Curione, Salvo Lucchese

Audioplate Records è lieta di presentarvi "Soul Combination" , il nuovissimo Video del singolo di Lugi e Mama Marjas, su produzione Lugisoul.

Lugi, rapper, dj e beatmaker, tra i pionieri dell'Hip Hop in Italia, realizza assieme a Mama Marjas, una delle voci più belle del panorama reggae italiano, la celebrazione della Black Music, un connubio artistico che riesce a confluire al suo interno un mix di stili e sonorità, un viaggio musicale tra Hip-Hop e Reggae, Funky e, soprattutto, "Soul".

Le immagini del video rispecchiano la passione e lo spirito di allegria e divertimento, che stanno alla base di questa cultura. Le rime funky di Lugi e le liriche new-roots di Mama Marjas si uniscono su una produzione reggae-hip hop realizzata dallo stesso Lugi nello Studio 61 di Bologna. I party, le jam, le dance, la vita di strada e la vita di casa, c'è voglia di collaborare per realizzare assieme qualcosa di bello, di spessore e, soprattutto musicale.

Il Video di "Soul Combination" è prodotto da Audioplate records, con la regia, il montaggio e la post produzione di Andrea Menniti, Donato Curione e Salvo Lucchese @ Studio61.

Disponibile su i-Tunes...

What will happen to you when you start your new life on the "other side" of death ...

From Death to Life

Uploaded by on Nov 9, 2011



Work for Peace!

A video montage featuring a parade of various military aircraft, accompanied by a live reading of Work for Peace, by the late, great, poet-bluesologist Gil Scott-Heron.

Gilbert "Gil" Scott-Heron (April 1, 1949 -- May 27, 2011) was an American soul and jazz poet, musician, and author known primarily for his work as a spoken word performer in the 1970s and '80s. His collaborative efforts with musician Brian Jackson featured a musical fusion of jazz, blues, and soul, as well as lyrical content concerning the social and political issues of the time. His own term for himself was "bluesologist", which he defined as "a scientist who is concerned with the origin of the blues."

An excerpt from the article:
"An Evening with Gil Scott-Heron: There is Joy in the Struggle" by Kevin Gosztola

"You can't teach the value of creative expression in school. You can't tell someone they have to use their art or media for the greater good. But, you can envelope someone in events with people like Gil Scott-Heron who believe in what they do and show them an alternative to the art and media we consume on a regular basis that seems to be far removed from the issues we experience and the lives we live every single day.

What Gil Scott-Heron shows is that people can find a voice in art (especially music). Movements need people like Gil Scott-Heron to open people's minds so that people who are not creative, not humorous, or not artistic can then present people with some truths that might compel them to act.

Yes, we've got to work for peace. There ain't gonna be no peace unless we go to work. But, peace isn't just taking down the military or breaking up the monetary and the military. It isn't just finding confidence in fighting for what some deem a lost cause, something unrealistic.

Peace is having soul. Peace is unleashing that soul in the company of others. And, peace is having the fortitude to push on and do what you believe needs to be done so that the next day you can have high spirits and maintain high hopes for a brighter day."

Work for Peace!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Baloji Tshiani - Karibu Ya Bintou

Uploaded by on Nov 8, 2011
Shot in the streets of Kinshasa, DRC, Karibu Ya Bintou ("Welcome to Life in Limbo") is a short film with music from the album 'Kinshasa Succursale' by Baloji.

Electric thumb piano (likembé) played by Konono N°1, the legendary Congolese band whose junkyard sonics and trademark "Congotronics" sound has had a major influence on the electronic and indie rock scenes.

Music, Composition & Lyrics: Baloji Tshiani
Thanks to Konono N°1
Arrangements: Betis Didier Likeng / Cyril Harrison

Universal Music Publishing - Kléa Songs

Short film

Directors: Spike and Jones
DOP: Nicolas Karakatsanis
Producer: Annemie Decorte (Dr. Film)
Styling: Ann Lauwerys
Mask: Katrien Matthys

Saturday, November 5, 2011

E-Cat Energy Equivalence

Put this graphic on your page to spread the word on E-Cat energy return. 

First Commercial Cold Fusion Steam Heat Generator For Sale!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Eastern Mysticism

Mysticism, the practice of those [who are initiated into the mysteries], the practice of putting oneself into, and remaining in, direct relation with God, the Absolute, or any unifying principle of life. Mysticism is inseparably linked with religion. Because of the nature of mysticism, firsthand objective studies of it are virtually impossible, and students must confine themselves to the accounts of mystics, autobiographical and biographical, or, as the mystics themselves say, they must experience for themselves. The terms mystic and mysticism are used very broadly in English, being extended to mean magic, occultism, or the esoteric.

Gypsy Groovin' by Stochelo Rosenberg

Go Stochelo!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

esclavitud perpetua

Joe Arroyo performs La Rebelion

No le pega la negra!

Self Indulgence,Self Denial - The Perfect Combination

self indulgence, self denial - the perfect combination. along the way, we try for betterment. we try for fulfillment. we can only try.  

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tabakito de Maiz

Tabakito de Maiz Hector Buitrago
Video de Tabakito de MAIZ del nuevo disco CONECTOR II:
(Hector Buitrago /Aterciopelados)
participacion de IN LAK ECH y Samuel Alfonso
Realizado por Cromatophoro.
Recordandonos Hombres y Mujeres de MAIZ en America.

Las imágenes de este video son parte del proyecto Embera, realizado por Cromatophoro, una ONG que apoya el conocimiento y la conservación de la diversidad ambiental y cultural del planeta a través del arte audiovisual.

La producción fue realizada en la profundidad de las selvas del alto Baudó chocoano, uno de los territorios más inaccesibles de Colombia.
Más de dos meses en campo recorriendo un territorio inexplorado audiovisualmente.

CORN Tabakito video of the new album CONNECTOR II:
(Hector Buitrago / Aterciopelados)
IN LAK ECH participation of Samuel and Alfonso
Made by Cromatophoro.
Reminding men and women of corn in America.

The images in this video are part of the Embera, by Cromatophoro, an NGO that supports the knowledge and conservation of environmental and cultural diversity of the planet through visual art.

The production was done in the depths of the jungles of Chocó Baudo, one of the most inaccessible areas of Colombia.
More than two months in field audiovisually traveling uncharted territory.

La Semilla (The Seed)

Esta animación llamada "La Semilla" es una intervención del mural “La Semilla del mundo” realizado por el artista wixarika (huichol) José Benítez Sánchez (1938 - 2009).
Fue realizado para la ceremonia de Inauguración y Homenaje a Andrea Di Castro en el marco del Primer Festival Internacional de Tecnologías Digitales “Monitor Digital - MOD” llevado a cabo en Noviembre de 2008 en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Producido por Mansión Bécquer Estudio.

Diseño Sonoro: Israel Martínez

Animación: Juan Pablo Becerra
Sergio A. Hernández Cerpa
Arturo Tornero Aceves

This animation called "The Seed" is a statement by the mural "The Seed of the world" by artist Wixarika (Huichol) José Benítez Sánchez (1938 - 2009).

It was created for the Opening Ceremony and Tribute to Andrea Di Castro in the First International Festival of Digital Technologies "Digital Monitor - MOD" held in November 2008 in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Produced by Becquer Mansion Studio.

Sound Design: Israel Martinez

Animation: Juan Pablo Becerra
Sergio A. Hernández Cerpa
Tornero Arturo Aceves