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cloud manipulation [HQ]
6:58 Added last Monday
There is something strange happening in our skies.
Many of us wonder what is going on.
On any perfectly blue sunny day we regularly notice that certain aircraft seem to
be ejecting extraordinarily long condensation trails and appear to fly outside the normal commercial flight paths.
Although we appreciate the glorious sunsets, we still wonder why there is no major media coverage of this interesting and important phenomenon.
Could it possibly be related to climate change?
Geo-Engineering is defined as the artificial modification of Earth's climate systems.
Geo-Engineering projects range from DECLASSIFIED experimentation (like iron particles being dumped into the oceans to attract algae, which sequesters carbon and, theoretically, slows global warming)
HIGHLY CLASSIFIED experimentation like AEROSOL SPRAYING (chemical spraying).
According to
World leaders have given scientists the green light to experiment with global climate modification. Planetary aerosol spraying is just one of the schemes...
• The US military has openly stated that it is their goal to OWN THE
WEATHER by 2025
• Atmospheric physicists state that a naturally occuring vapor trail
can last only 60-90 seconds maximum, under the most extreme conditions.
• German scientists and meteorologists have exposed and are taking legal
action against the German government for weather manipulation and
counterfeiting satellite and radar imagery to mask the scope of those
• The last RAIN TEST taken (Shasta County, CA) in May of 08 was hundreds of times the range of normal for aluminum and seven times the MCL
(maximum contaminant level).
• Concerned Citizen groups have formed in all major western US population
centers with SIMILAR TESTING RESULTS! Major cities throughout
the NATO nations are seeing public unrest and a demand for truth.
Aluminum, Barium and other known weather modification agents are being
found world-wide at horrifying levels.
• According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the only way
to form artificial clouds in warm dry air is to introduce enough particulates into the atmosphere to attract and accrete all available moisture into visible vapor. If repeated often enough, the resulting rainless haze can lead to drought.
If the previous statements are even partially true, it is scientific experimentation and arrogance with potential disastrous effects to our atmosphere and all forms of life on this planet.
Stop spraying us!
* condensation trails ×
* chemtrails ×
* geo-engineering ×
* climate manipulation ×